I am an Assitant Professor at School of Mathmatics and Statistics at Beijing Institute of Technology
Before, I was a Postdoc student of Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology hosted by Prof. Leonid Mytnik.
I got my Ph.D. at the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University under the supervision of Prof. Yan-Xia Ren.
I also visited Prof. Renming Song as a joint Ph.D. student at Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
I got my B.S. at the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University.
My research interest is probability theory, with a focus on models related to branching processes.
Email: zhenyao dot sun at gmail dot com
Office: 411B Wen-Cui building E, Beijing Institute of Technology Liangxiang, Beijing.
H. Hou and Z. Sun, On the subcritical self-catalytic branching Brownian motions.
C. Barnes, L. Mytnik, and Z. Sun, Wright-Fisher stochastic heat equations with irregular drifts.
L. Qian, and Z. Sun, On the spetral radius of of the
There is a mistake when we cite H. Kesten, P. Ney and F. Spitzer’s 1966 paper: we can not obtain (1.2) when
On the Subcritical Self-Catalytic Branching Brownian Motions
Wright-Fisher stochastic heat equations with irregular drifts
On the coming down from infinity of coalescing Brownian motions
Effect of small noise on the speed of reaction-diffusion equation with non-Lipschitz drift
Quasi-stationary distributions for subcritical superprocesses
Stable Central Limit Theorems for Super Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes
Limit theorems for a class of critical superprocesses with stable branching
Spine decompositions and limit theorems for a class of critical superprocesses
2025 May, Kyoto, 3rd China-Japan-Korea Joint Probability Workshop
2025 Sept. 8-12, Bucharest, 12th international conference on stochastic analysis and its applications
2025 Spring, Advanced Probbaility Theory, Beijing Institute of Technology
2024 Fall, Topics in Probability Theory, Beijing Institute of Technology
2023 Fall, Topics in Probability Theory, Beijing Institute of Technology
I am maintaining the bilibili channel for the One World Probability Seminar
I was one of the organizers of the Technion probability seminar jointly with Maximilian Fels in 2022
My Phd Thesis
I was the teaching assistant of class Stochastic processes at Peking University, spring 2019. Here are my Solutions to the homeworks
I was the organizer of the Welcome Workshop for New Students in Probability Group, Peking University, Sept. 2018.